Sunday, March 29, 2009

The importance of worker bees for the survival of non profits

On yesterday, I was having a wonderful breakfast meeting with a talented and brilliant professional just a few years my senior. As we were discussing the status of SEM Link and other non profits, we decided that in order for non profits to survive and achieve its mission, it is important that staff have worker bees to do the work that will help them achieve their mission. Ever non profit organization has support from two groups of people, doer and donors, both are equally important. The donors provide the resources that the organization needs for its program and operations. But it is the worker bees that do the work for the organization such as serving on the board, being an active and committed volunteers to provide program and administrative support. As you are determining how to serve your community and what organizations you will devote your time and talents to, please do some serious evaluation of your motives for making a commitment to the organization. Not profits can't afford people to serve so they can add a section to their resume or be a conversation topic for people in your network. For our survival, non profits needs donors and doers (worker bees). No matter what your commitment to the organization besure that if you decide to be a donor, honor your pledge commitments and be sure to mail that check as well as encourage people in your network that have the resources to be donors to make a contribution as well. If you are a doer (worker bee), it is important that every task that you sign up to complete that you follow through and complete it. Don't use life or a busy schedule as an excuse not to complete the task because we all have life issues and have busy schedules. When you make a commitment, follow through on it because more than likely the non profit can't complete the task with out your support. So that you can increase the amount of worker bees on the organization team, encourage people in your network to volunteer to help the organization achieve it mission.

The achievement of any organization's mission is based on its support team of volunteers and board members that are committed to doing whatever they can to help the organization achieve its mission.

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About SEM Link

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Science, Engineering and Mathematics Link, Inc. (SEM Link), a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, was founded in 2004 on the premise that exposure to members of the science, engineering and mathematics (SEM) communities is critical to student development in math and science. Our mission is to promote student achievement and career exploration in math and science while increasing student exposure to the science, engineering and mathematics communities and enhancing resources that are available at local schools and community organizations. Our two core programs, Math and Science Career Academy and Experimental Design Program, provide students with an opportunity to develop their math and science skills by enhancing the classroom learning experience and teaching them skills that are transferable to other areas of life. We recruit students and professionals for our programs that have backgrounds in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.