Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What are your results of your relationships?

This evening as I am winding down from a wonderful day, I was journaling with such a attitude of gratitude for all the friends and colleagues, old and new that have either giving me the confidence or by direct support by giving of their time and talent to help me accomplish the goals that I have both personally and professional. In addition to being grateful for my relationships with three of my mentees that are close to my heart and make me beam with pride with not only the great people I've seen them grow and develop into but them making strides toward achieving their goals. One who just graduated from high school in May 2nd in his class and preparing to go to college at my alma mater FAMU on this Saturday. One who graduated from Spelman College in May, who is on her way to graduate school to pursue what will probably be considered a non traditional career path in public health via computational chemistry. The final one who graduated from Spelman in May as well, who I'm very proud of the fact that she is constantly doing things to pour into the lives of the generation that is coming behind her. As well as her wisdom being able to realize that delay is not denial and at times working a plan B will help you get where you want to go in life as well. I would like to say that I've helped these young people accomplish their goals and grow as a person, just like my mentors have done for me.

As the beginning of the school year just started for many school districts and SEM Link programs start next month. What are you doing to make the goals of a person or organization come to pass? What relationships are you going to develop and maintain with individuals or organizations that will allow you to make a difference in the lives of others. I have a favorite quote that states the "Leaders Get Result Through People". As I paraphrase this quote in the context of mentoring and making a difference, my new quote is " What Results Will You Get Through Your Relationships". What results do you want to see from your relationship with SEM Link Will you see the results of sharing your expertise and passion with a child by volunteering for our programs? Will you see the results of sharing your time and expertise to help with our operations? Will you see the results of how you can help us achieve our programming goals for this program year by making a financial contribution to our "Donate Your Lunch Money" individual donor campaign? Will you the results of how your business, government agencies or professional society will produce by becoming one of our Corporate Partners? Visit our website and find out more information about what relationship you will develop and maintain with SEM Link in the 2009-10. Do just search our website, but make use of the online application that we made it an easy process for you to sign up to start your relationship with SEM Link in a way that is authentic to who you are and the resources that are available to you. The staff and board of SEM Link are looking forward to you become a part of the SEM Link family.

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About SEM Link

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Science, Engineering and Mathematics Link, Inc. (SEM Link), a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, was founded in 2004 on the premise that exposure to members of the science, engineering and mathematics (SEM) communities is critical to student development in math and science. Our mission is to promote student achievement and career exploration in math and science while increasing student exposure to the science, engineering and mathematics communities and enhancing resources that are available at local schools and community organizations. Our two core programs, Math and Science Career Academy and Experimental Design Program, provide students with an opportunity to develop their math and science skills by enhancing the classroom learning experience and teaching them skills that are transferable to other areas of life. We recruit students and professionals for our programs that have backgrounds in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.